
Project2_3works for materiality of Gehry House

Gehry wrapped the exterior with what appears to be scraps and rubbish. He used amount of cheap materials, such as plywood, corrugated metal, glass and chain link. As a result, the old house still exists inside the envelope of the new house.    

  This is a abstract model of the materiality.

I used sketch up to show how Frank Gehry use those cheap materials and change the original house into the amazing work. Make this house so powerful and energetic.


Project 2_ 3 works for the relationship of public to private spaces

The relationship of public to more private spaces in the Gehry House. Use red color represent the public spaces, like the entraces, kitchen, dining room, living room and also the bathroom, roof garden. Blue represente the private spaces, which are the four bedrooms, and use purple be semi-public space, the stairs area and footpath.

Project2_3 works for formal devices

This is a abstract model to analyse the facade of the Gehry House. This house is the rebuilding of an existing house. The old house is to remain complete while a new house is to be built around it.Gehry wrapped the exterior with what appears to be scraps and rubbish. He used amount of cheap materials, such as plywood, corrugated metal, glass and chain link. As a result, the old house still exists inside the envelope of the new house.   
The analyse of the attending part of Gehry House. The Blue highlight is where Gehry changed the originarily residential bangalow. The Yellow area is the attending part.

Another brilliant element of the attending part is the creative windows of the kitchen. They are made of glass and wood. They could be windows and roofs at the same time, which make full use of sunlight.